Hotfixes Patches Service Packs

 Get a list using WMIC

wmic /node:'servername' qfe GET description,FixComments,hotfixid,installedby,installedon,servicepackineffect > C:\temp\test.txt

Get the same list using Powershell

Get-HotFix -ComputerName servername -Credential $cred | select description,FixComments,hotfixid,installedby,installedon,servicepackineffect | ft 


Comparing hotfixes


Compare-InstalledHotfix -server1 server1name -server2 server2name -credential $cred | ft -AutoSize 

Function Compare-InstalledHotfix {

param (









$server1HotFix = get-hotfix -computer $server1 -Credential $credential | select HotfixId

$server2HotFix = get-hotfix -computer $server2 -Credential $credential | select HotfixId

$comparedHotfixes = compare-object $server2HotFix $server1HotFix -IncludeEqual

$result = @();

foreach ($c in $comparedHotfixes) {

   $kbinfo = "" | select KB,$server1,$server2

   $kbinfo.KB = $c.InputObject.HotfixId

   switch ($c.SideIndicator)


   "==" {

           write-host -ForegroundColor Green "Both servers have $($c.InputObject.HotfixId)"

           $kbinfo.($server1) = $true

           $kbinfo.($server2) = $true

           $result += $kbinfo



   "=>" {

           write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "$server1 has $($c.InputObject.HotfixId) but $server2 doesn’t"

           $kbinfo.($server1) = $true

           $kbinfo.($server2) = $false

           $result += $kbinfo



   "<="  {

           write-host -ForegroundColor Magenta "$server2 has $($c.InputObject.HotfixId) but $server1 doesn’t"

           $kbinfo.($server1) = $false

           $kbinfo.($server2) = $true

           $result += $kbinfo


   } # End Switch

 } # End foreach


} # End Function