Hash tables
Nice article on hashtables
$hash = @{} get-childitem $home -recurse | foreach-object {$hash[$_.extension]++} $hash
get-help -full about_hash_tables | less #import hashtable ConvertFrom-StringData
Object Types in HashTables
The keys and values in a hash table can have any .NET object type,
and a single hash table can have keys and values of multiple types.
$p = @{"PowerShell" = (get-process PowerShell); "Notepad" = (get-process notepad)} $p = $p + @{(get-service winrm) = ((get-service winrm).status)} $p $p.keys
$SourcesHT = @{} Foreach ($source in $SourcesTBL) { $SourcesHT.Add($Source.id,$Source.Name) }
Convert to Hashtable or pscustomobject
function ConvertTo-PsCustomObjectFromHashtable { param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [object[]]$hashtable ); begin { $i = 0; } process { foreach ($myHashtable in $hashtable) { if ($myHashtable.GetType().Name -eq 'hashtable') { $output = New-Object -TypeName PsObject; Add-Member -InputObject $output -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name AddNote -Value { Add-Member -InputObject $this -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $args[0] -Value $args[1]; }; $myHashtable.Keys | Sort-Object | % { $output.AddNote($_, $myHashtable.$_); } $output; } else { Write-Warning "Index $i is not of type [hashtable]"; } $i += 1; } } } function ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject { param ( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [object[]]$psCustomObject ); process { foreach ($myPsObject in $psCustomObject) { $output = @{}; $myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | % { $output.($_.name) = $myPsObject.($_.name); } $output; } } }