Scheduled Scripts
Running script as a scheduled task
Important note from this article
"If you have User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you may need to enable the option to Run with highest privileges "
Setting Task Priority
By default scheduled tasks have a priority of 7 "Low" you can not change this in the GUI
Export the Task to XML file
Delete the Task
Edit the XML file change priority from 7 to 6 "Normal"
Import the XML file again to Task Scheduler
Script to migrate scheduled tasks from Windows XP/Server 2003 to 7/Server 2008
<# Usage: 1. Run the script from the XP machine (in order to export the .job files, the schtasks commandline and the script itself) 2. Run the script from the Windows 7 machine in order to copy the .job files, and run the XP schtasks command in order to "register" the files on the 7 machine #> #helper function function Browse-ForFolder($message){ $shApp = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application $folder = $shApp.BrowseForFolder(0,$message,0,0) if ($folder -ne $null){ return $folder.self.path } } $isXP=(gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem).Version.StartsWith("5") if ($isXP){ $folder=Browse-ForFolder "Select the destination folder for the backup" if ($folder -ne $null){ #copy all the .jobs files,the xp schtasks commandline and the script itself copy "$env:SystemRoot\Tasks\*" -filter "*.job" -recurse -dest $folder copy "$env:SystemRoot\system32\schtasks.exe" -Destination $folder copy "$env:SystemRoot\system32\schedsvc.dll" -Destination $folder copy $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path.ToString() -Destination $folder } exit } #on windows 7 machine else{ $folder=Browse-ForFolder "Select the source folder of the backup" if ($folder -ne $null){ #copy all the .jobs files to the c:\windows\task folder on the destination machine copy "$folder\*" -filter "*.job" -recurse -dest "$env:SystemRoot\Tasks" $credential = Get-Credential $pw=[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto(` [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($credential.Password)) $user=$credential.Username # if non-domain credentials skip the backslash if ($user.StartsWith("\")){ $user=$credential.Username.Substring(1) } $tasks=gci $folder -Filter "*.job" foreach ($task in $tasks){ #run the xp schtasks command in order to register the tasks on the windows 7 machine #skip .job postfix and add quotation-marks $taskName="'" + $task.Name.substring(0,$task.Name.Length-4) + "'" $allArgs = @("/change", "/TN", "$taskName","/RU" , "$user" , "/RP" ,"$pw" ) & "$folder\schtasks.exe" $allArgs } } }